Supporting Social Participation
This line of work involves the development of conversational, robotic, and computer-mediated communication (CMC) interfaces for individuals with social deficits to improve social participation among individuals who suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI), for older adults to reduce social isolation, and for participants of online social gathering to minimize social exclusion. In this line of work, I collaborate with: Lyn Turkstra, Melissa Duff, Catalina Toma, David Gustafson, and Paula Niedenthal.
“So, I Can Feel Normal: Participatory Design for Accessible Social Media Sites for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury” — CHI 2023 Paper, Talk
“Situated participatory design: A method for in situ design of robotic interaction with older adults” — CHI 2023 Paper, Talk
“Polite or direct? Conversation design of a smart display for older adults based on politeness theory” — CHI 2022 Paper, Talk
“Facial emotion recognition of older adults with traumatic brain injury” — Brain Injury Paper
This work is supported by NIH award 2R01HD071089-06A1.